Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years Eve!!!

First of all I want to thank those of you who posted comments. It warmed my heart, you all are some of my favorite people! :)

It's that time of year my friends! It is time to make your New Years resolutions. Many people dread this time of year but I get excited about. It's a way to challenge yourself for the upcoming year. Some people make resolutions with zero intention of keeping them until the end. I really try to pick something that is totally do able and something that I should probably be doing anyway.

Before telling you the resolutions I'm making for 2009 there is something I should tell you. I LOVE lists. Because everything is better in a list. When Justin speaks to me in a list I understand the words coming out of his mouth. :) It keeps my mind organized. While blogging I hope to produce many lists, I happen to love the top ten list but for today I'm going to focus on 3.

New Years Resolutions for 2009

  1. Give up soft drinks
I became a heavy drinker (Dr. Pepper is my drink of choice) while working at Iron Mountain. It has become a habit that has spun out of control. My goal is to do lots of WATER and a sweet tea on with gotta have sweet tea with BBQ or while at KFC in's a have to.

2. Work out

I know this is such a typical New Years resolution, but I mean it. It is something I need to do for myself. I work across the street from a YMCA that my company pays for! My company also gives us prizes after working out. If you log 20 days, you randomly get a gift in the mail. It's like Christmas for walking. Plus EVERYONE in my office works out at this same gym, I will have fantastic support, not to mention I'll miss traffic :) I'm an idiot if I don't take advantage of this.

3. Be more efficient in the A.M.

I'm not a morning person, so what. I tend to set the alarm at 6:00 a.m. and proceed to hit snooze 5 times. Then I rush around get ready, my dog has zero time to get her life together, and mornings usually do not start well. So my plan is to set my alarm for a reasonable time, hit snooze only once and get up and get my day going right!

That's it for personal goals. I think these 3 are goals I can totally achieve and things I should already be doing. Which is all the more reason to make them happen. I hope you and your family have a fun, safe New Years and that you make and achieve your New Years Resolutions!


  1. I love list too! Those are good resolutions! I need to jump on the working out one fast! How is Lucy? Does she miss Romoe?

  2. welcome to the blogging world! glad to see you are doing good!
