Thursday, July 28, 2011


We have been so blessed to have wonderful friends while being in North Carolina. The Gray's were here years before us and the Stewart's moved here just weeks before I joined Justin in North Carolina. These families encouraged us to become more involved in our church, volunteer, join a life group and just be good friends! The Gray's moved last year to be closer to family and this year the Stewart's made a military move! I started going through pictures and wanted to use this new program called One True Media, I thought this would be a perfect time to recap!

It's sad to have them both gone now. We have celebrated babies, birthdays, deployments, deaths of animals and family members, change, excitement, sadness, engagements, planning a wedding, family drama, holiday's, and many other things! When you live away from your family you see your friends as your family.

I am happy to say the Gray's will be visiting in just a few months and the Stewart's are just a few hours away!

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